Code of Conduct
A Director is a member who has been elected to the Board of Directors. Directors are entitled to vote.
Directors have a duty of diligence in their management of the affairs to the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc. that requires, to the greatest possible extent, regular meeting attendance and development of a sound knowledge of all aspects of the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc.
The duty of diligence refers to the obligation of directors to educate themselves about the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc.’s mandate and all aspects of our operations. It is not enough to merely attend board of directors’ meetings. The duty of diligence requires active and concerted effort on the part of directors to be knowledgeable and ready to make informed decisions affecting World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc.
Under the Canada Corporations Act, directors cannot vote or participate in meetings by proxy. This is legislative recognition of the importance of full participation by directors at board meetings. Discussion of issues and participation in debate are an essential part of a director’s role; his or her responsibility cannot be fulfilled merely through a proxy.
A director is considered to be acting for the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc.’s benefit, and must subordinate his or her personal interests to the best interests of the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc. This duty of loyalty involves good faith, trust and special confidence. It requires high standards of honesty and good faith in the exercise of a director’s powers and discretions. It means that a director must always use his or her powers in the best interests of the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc. The director may not delegate his or her duty, except under certain circumstances and with adequate supervision; the director must not profit from his or her position and must always disclose the entire truth in his or her dealings with the World Kickboxing Federation Canada Inc.; and, the director must avoid all conflicts of interest. A director will never be able to discharge his or her obligations in meeting the duty of care if the director has acted in bad faith. Intentional dishonesty, incomplete or misleading representations, and acting from an improper motive can all be characterised as bad faith. The ‘good faith’ requirement is the core of the trustee relationship and requires a director to act with pure intentions and with a view to serving the best interests of the corporation.
Directors may not abuse their powers by exercising them for an improper purpose, – i.e., in order to give themselves an advantage or to confer an advantage to someone else, or in order to unduly discriminate against a person – without their act being justifiable by the best interests of the corporation. For instance, they may not use their power by admitting only members sympathetic to them and refusing to admit or expelling members because they are not.
The World Kickboxing Federation coaches code of conduct intends to provide standards of ethical conduct for coaches involved with WKF Canada and its member organizations. It provides general principles and ethical standards which cover many situations encountered by coaches, with its principle goals the welfare and protection of participants with whom coaches work. Coaches will respect and protect human and civil rights and not knowingly participate in or condone unfair discriminatory practices. WKF Canada also fully consent to the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Code of Ethics.
Coaches must maintain a standard of excellence with regard to education and information related to coaching and make an on-going effort to maintain competence in the skills they use. They will uphold professional standards, clarify professional roles and obligations, accept appropriate responsibility for behavior and adapt methods to the needs of participants.
Coaches must respect the fundamental rights, welfare, dignity, values, opinions and worth of all participants and will be aware of cultural and individual differences including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language and socio-economic status.
Coaches will be aware of ethical responsibilities to society and the community in which they work and live as well as comply with the law and encourage the development of policies which serve the interest of the sport.
Coaches will not engage in sexual harassment which includes but is not necessarily limited to sexual solicitation, unwelcome physical advances and verbal or non-verbal conduct. They will not deny any participants the right to participate in any activity based upon their having made or their being the subject of a sexual harassment claim. They will not engage in or condone behaviour which is harassing, harmful or demeaning to participants.
Physical or verbal abuse or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
Coaches will guard against the misuse of influence and understand any action or judgement may have an effect on participants.
Coaches will refrain from entering into personal, professional, financial or other relationships with anyone if such a relationship may impair objectivity, interfere with properly performing coaching functions or directly or indirectly exploit or harm participants. They will also refrain from taking on obligations if a pre-existing relationship may create a conflict of interest.
Coaches must refrain from public criticism of other athletes, coaches or officials. They are also responsible for information contained in written or electronic transmissions (e.g., email) and any information posted in a public domain (e.g., internet, Instagram, Facebook, You Tube, SnapChat). Inappropriate or embarrassing information or pictures should not be posted to any public domain. Displaying indiscreet or hurtful comments about athletes, coaches, teams and administrators will not be tolerated.
Membership is a privilege, not a right subject to WKF and Sport Canada rules and regulations. To earn and maintain that privilege, all coaches must adhere to the World Kickboxing Federation Code of Conduct. The intent of this Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy is not to supersede World Kickboxing Federation World Office policy, nor is it to judge who is guilty or not guilty under the same standards as would apply in a court of law. It is meant to set high standards for the WKF’s expectations of how coaches represent the federation and to state the potential consequences for those coaches who make poor choices, reflecting negatively on themselves and WKF Canada.
The World Kickboxing Canada believes the duty of sports officials is to act as impartial judges of sport competitions. We believe this duty carries with it an obligation to perform with accuracy, fairness and objectivity. Although the vast majority of sports officials work contests played by amateur athletes, it is vital every official approach each assignment in a professional manner. Because of their authority and autonomy, officials must have a high degree of commitment and expertise. WKF Canada believes these facts impose on sports officials the higher ethical standard by which true professionals are judged.
WKF Canada believes the integrity of officiating rests on the integrity and ethical conduct of each individual official. This integrity and conduct are the very basis of the future and well-being of organized sports and the effectiveness of this Federation.
Physical or verbal abuse or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
WKF Canada officials must be free of obligation to any interest other than the impartial and fair judging of sports competitions. Without equivocation, game decisions which are slanted by personal bias are dishonest and unacceptable. WKF Canada officials also recognize that anything which may lead to a conflict of interest, either real or apparent, must be avoided. Gifts, favors, special treatment, privileges, employment or a personal relationship with an athlete or gym which can compromise the perceived impartiality of officiating must be avoided.
WKF Canada officials have an obligation to treat other officials with professional dignity and courtesy and recognize that it is inappropriate to criticize other officials publicly. They must also protect the public (fans, administrators, coaches, players, et al.) from inappropriate conduct and are expected to attempt to eliminate from the officiating avocation/profession all practices which bring discredit to it.
Officials must refrain from public criticism of other athletes, coaches or officials. They are also responsible for information contained in written or electronic transmissions (e.g., email) and any information posted in a public domain (e.g., internet, Instagram, Facebook, You Tube, SnapChat). Inappropriate or embarrassing information or pictures should not be posted to any public domain. Displaying indiscreet or hurtful comments about athletes, coaches, teams and administrators will not be tolerated.
WKF Canada officials have a responsibility to continuously seek self-improvement through study of the game, rules, mechanics and the techniques of game management. They have a responsibility to Sports Officials Code of Ethics and are required to accurately represent their qualifications and abilities when requesting or accepting officiating assignments.
WKF Canada officials shall not be party to actions designed to unfairly limit or restrain access to officiating, officiating assignments or association membership. This includes selection for positions of leadership based upon economic factors, race, creed, color, age, sex, physical handicap, country or national origin.
Athletes are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that best represents the World Kickboxing Federation, while being productive members of both their gym and surrounding communities. It is their responsibility to exhibit behaviors that enable them to make the most of the competition opportunities afforded to them.
Membership is a privilege, not a right subject to WKF and Sport Canada rules and regulations. To earn and maintain that privilege, all athletes must adhere to the World Kickboxing Federation Code of Conduct. The intent of this Code of Conduct and Discipline Policy is not to supersede World Kickboxing Federation policy, nor is it to judge who is guilty or not guilty under the same standards as would apply in a court of law. It is meant to set high standards for the WKF’s expectations of how athletes represent the federation and to state the potential consequences for those athletes who make poor choices, reflecting negatively on themselves and WKF Canada.
Athletes are expected to respect the rights of others, and to abide by all rules and regulations of the World Kickboxing Federation. Failure to do so may result in suspension from WKF activities. Athletes may appeal disciplinary action if he/she believes his/her situation presents special circumstances by which the assigned sanctions to be imposed are manifestly unfair or there is significant evidence that would justify a different outcome.
Because it is expected that the behavior of athletes shall at all times reflect the high standards of honor and dignity that characterize participation in competitive sports sanctioned by the WKF, athletes may be subjected to discipline for such acts that violate the WKF Athletes Code of Conduct, regardless of where and when the acts are committed and regardless if any other disciplinary or legal action is taken against the athlete.
All athletes are expected to treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity, regardless of gender, place of origin, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political belief or economic status.
Physical or verbal abuse or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
Athletes must consistently demonstrate high personal standards and project a favourable image of their sport. Spirit of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and practices as well as ensuring physical, psychological and emotional well-being of participants are required at all time during WKF activities and competitions.
Athletes must refrain from public criticism of other athletes, coaches or officials. They are also responsible for information contained in written or electronic transmissions (e.g., email) and any information posted in a public domain (e.g., internet, Instagram, Facebook, You Tube, SnapChat). Inappropriate or embarrassing information or pictures should not be posted to any public domain. Displaying indiscreet or hurtful comments about athletes, coaches, teams and administrators will not be tolerated.
Athletes shall conduct themselves with honesty and sportsmanship at all times so that World Kickboxing Federation as a whole and they, as individuals, shall represent the honor and dignity of fair play and the generally recognized high standards associated with wholesome competitive sports.
Violations of the WKF Code of Conduct, rules and/ or regulations will result in immediate disciplinary action. Violations will be categorized into levels, and the corresponding discipline action will reflect the severity of the offense. Any member may appeal disciplinary action if he/she believes his/her situation presents special circumstances by which the assigned sanctions to be imposed are manifestly unfair or there is significant evidence that would justify a different outcome.
Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute, a neutral case evaluator will examine facts and issues presented by both parties involved. The case evaluator advises the parties on the strengths and weaknesses of their respective positions, and assesses how the dispute is likely to be solved. The parties may then use this feedback to help reach a mutually agreeable resolution. If parties can’t resolve issues by agreement, WKF Canada may choose to take the case to the World Kickboxing Federation IRC to ensure an independent, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) solution for all parties involved.